Go ahead! buy that Kia with your credit card, put a 9V battery on your tongue, and stop brushing your teeth cause after December 21st 2012 the lights go out for good. The world is going to end...Uh?
I consider myself to be an intelligent person (shhh!) who believes in reasonable interpretations, which should comfort you when it comes to touchy subjects like the pending apocalypse. Take a look at our track record for this. Out of the entire history of 'End of the world predictions' we are 0 - 100. That's right, not a single prediction has come true. We are batting .000 percent, so chances are you'll still have to make lease payments for your Benz. But predictions are one thing, the Mayan calendar is another.
the world is going
to end because you
touch yourself at night.
The Mayan prediction isn't a prediction at all. They calculated the end of their calendar to land specifically on a date that coincides with a galactic alignment. Then it all starts over again, it's what calendars do. You don't win a prize if you get all green lights on the way to work? So why would the world be pulled apart by super volcanoes, polar shifts or a rapture? You with me on that.
The Maya and Inca were incredible astronomers and have followed the solar calendar to mark the solstices for agricultural purposes. Not to figure out when the sun would explode. You have to think about things in their time and why it would be so important to monitor the stars. Would you plant a crop three weeks before a flood? No.
The fact is Dec 21 2012, the winter solstice, the darkest day of the year does mark the end of the Maya Long count calendar. It's really just the beginning of the year 0002. So relax buy champagne not survival gear. The world isn't going to end because their calendar does. It's as relevant as saying the world is going to end because you touch yourself at night.
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