According to Wikipedia the solar system orbits the galaxy every 225 - 250 million years. Right now we're about due for a full rotation which could mean we are going to align with the milky way and possibly a bunch of other stars. Relax, it's happened before. Ironically, 250 million years ago an asteroid came out of nowhere and changed the planet forever. Could it happen again? probably, in our lifetime? Maybe? What about next week? Unlikely but again, superficially plausible. In either case, whether you prepare or not won't matter, it's called doomsday for a reason. But if you must know when the world is going to end here are my signs that something is going to happen. They are based on logic, my own understanding of the world, history, geography, astrophysics and geology.
[Note: I do not include financial meltdown in my predictions because it is a zero-sum game]
World and Government Tell Tails
Governments start acting erratically -If they start acting crazy, it's too late, governments always care about how the media perceives them.
Large bodies of water are diverted - If there were plans to create underground bunkers, large bodies of water would be diverted, like streams and ponds Not like the Great Lakes. These diversions could happen 'naturally' or on purpose. But just keep an eye out for any bodies of water being diverted for any reason or very low water levels.
Strange controversies within Government -If you want to leave your post and you don't give a reason it causes the media to investigate. If I was in government and I wanted to leave my post and have no one bother me I would say I cheated on my wife. Case closed, I step down dishonorably, you never bother me again. General Patraeus was a long standing military man, with a flawless career, loving husband for 20 some odd years, all of a sudden he wants to get his rocks off? Why? That whole situation never added up for me. He wanted out.
Construction workers taking busses to work - Building in remote locations not accessible by roads or not allowing general knowledge of the job site to common workers are one of my main tell tails. Also, when construction workers aren't sure or are only given part of a task to complete may mean that something secret is being built. Listen to your construction workers friends if they start saying things like "I've never seen this much steel, or a hole that deep." Also, listen to suppliers and what products they are having a hard time getting.
Language Tell tails
"I've Never" "This is the first time" "Scientists are baffled" "Scientists can't explain" - This is my number one tell tail and one that is starting to appear more frequently this year in all media. Listen to your friends, watch reality tv shows and the news. If you start hearing phrases like "I've never seen anything like that before" or something to that degree then something is happening. Here's where I have heard it:
Three gorges dam completion "I've never seen a damn this big"
At a friend's cottage "The water level has never been this low before."
Hurricane Sandy "I've never seen the New Jersey Shore like this."
Syria and the middle east "It's never been this dangerous over there"
Among a number of others...
Geographical changes
Strange phenomena - This one is obvious, meteor showers, earth quakes, sinkholes, auroras that are appearing more often and in strange places. Strange things happen all the time I would watch for more frequency and intensity -that cause someone to use a language tell tail.
Correlating biological behavioural patterns
Animals acting strangely -This is a big one, if a natural disaster or atmospheric phenomena is going to happen (not necessarily one that wipes out mankind) the animals and insects would know first. Watch for strange animal behaviour particularly with species with sensitive eco systems. Don't worry if you see a dear in the city, worry if you see 50 deer in the city.
Animals seemingly committing suicide or showing up in strange places. -Just like above but more acute. Animals won't commit suicide so when you see whales beaching themselves in huge numbers or birds no longer going south then there is an unbalance somewhere and if its on a biological large scale then something large scale has caused it.
I hope this helps if you have any questions or want to add to this blog post a comment with what you think is going to be a tell tail for the world to end.