Monday 17 June 2013

For The Canadian Olympic Commitee


Friday 7 June 2013

Alien disclosure requested by Canadian Minister of Defence.

Recently Hon. Paul Hellyer former department of defence minister for Canada has openly verified that he believes in ETs and UFOs. He's the first person in the G8 with his level of credentials to openly disclose the information he received as DoD head that proved their existence and their attempt to hide it from the public.  In a recent video released on Youtube and in various media posts around the globe he states that the Earth has been visited many times and that there are at least four species living amongst us -two work directly with the US Government. Now, contrary to the what Stephen Hawking says about aliens and their agenda Hellyer believes they are here as observers and are not malevolent. But, if there is something that nature and history have taught us it's that discovery and migration are two different things.

"Ask the Inca how their encounters with 'strangers from another world' went."

The aliens came with cardigans and popped collars. 
Take a look at any species on this planet that has ever lived, including bacteria. You don't realize it but there is a natural pattern that all living things follow and that is the innate instinct to survive. Animals do not think about their decisions it's just what they know, this is why the buffalo move-on to the next pasture after they have eaten all the grass. They migrate to survive and human's are no different.  As we progressed we consumed more of the land. When the land became fully consumed we expanded outward and eventually the city was born. Then in the 15th century, as the known world was starting to become over burdend again we sent ships into the unknown and discovered the Americas -ask the Inca how their encounters with 'strangers from another world' went.

 "It's nature, when there is abundance you stay, when there isn't you search for it at any cost"

Advancements only happen out of necessity. The majority of our technology comes at a time when we critically need it. Man discovered fire right before the ice age, we developed the wheel when we were breaking our backs, ramps when we couldn't go any higher, steam engines when we couldn't go any faster,  penicillin when we were getting too sick, phones when the telegram took to long, computers when we couldn't calculate, guns when we were getting killed by swords, bombs when we were getting killed by guns, and so on. Our greatest achievements come from being pushed into a corner and forcing ourselves to figure out the answer. So what does that have to do with aliens visiting our planet? All you have to do is continue the previous train of thought and you'll see. Alright I'll do it for you.

We are currently at the stage of using non-renewable resources, banks are crippling the masses, and the Earth is becoming more polluted. We'll eventually fix the bank system or (get rid of it), create clean renewable fuel and fix the Earth. It'll be more hospitable, people will live longer, more people will be born, robots will help with all these wonderful things. Then people will want more things and more robots to do work, this will need more resources and raw materials, we'll start to pollute the Earth again, and the cycle repeats. Two generations later and its better again, two more and it's bad but with each generation we solve the problems created by the latter but only when we have to, just like the buffalo who won't leave until there is no food.  Do this two more times and you're eventually going to hit a point of no return. At this point we'll have to make a decision the same way the King of Spain had to make a decision in 1490.

If an alien species is out this far from home it's because someone sent them here. The only reason a civilization would invest this much effort to conquer interstellar travel is for one reason and that is to find more resources. Remember it's a two way street, they don't know what's on the other side of the galaxy any more than we do, so sending a craft to explore this far is a hail mary and you don't throw a hail mary when you're up 50 points, you do it when you have no choice. It's nature, when there is abundance you stay, when there isn't you search for it at any cost cause the alternative is not being alive.

Columbus may have been a discoverer but the purpose of his voyage was to find a better way to India to make more money, to build a bigger empire -it was for progress because the old way was obsolete.
When they got to the Americas they encountered the Inca and what did they do? Slaughtered them - took the resources, sent a ship back to Spain with a note that said "Hey bring the rest of the ships, theres tons of gold and corn here."

Part 2 is next week! If we live to see next week.
Part two will cover what happened in their world that made them come here. What would you do if you were in charge of their world?

Wednesday 12 December 2012

DOOMSDAY armageddon and the end of the world

The end of the world is coming! And it'll happen sometime between now and...later?

I have written before about the pending apocalypse in 2012 and have mentioned that if you understand the Mayan culture they are cyclical and as much as you want to interpret their calendar as the end of the world you're wrong, it's just the end of the Mayan Calendar and it starts up again on Dec 22nd 2012.

According to Wikipedia the solar system orbits the galaxy every 225 - 250 million years. Right now we're about due for a full rotation which could mean we are going to align with the milky way and possibly a bunch of other stars. Relax, it's happened before. Ironically, 250 million years ago an asteroid came out of nowhere and changed the planet forever. Could it happen again? probably, in our lifetime? Maybe? What about next week? Unlikely but again, superficially plausible. In either case, whether you prepare or not won't matter, it's called doomsday for a reason. But if you must know when the world is going to end here are my signs that something is going to happen. They are based on logic, my own understanding of the world, history, geography, astrophysics and geology.

[Note: I do not include financial meltdown in my predictions because it is a zero-sum game]

World and Government Tell Tails

Governments start acting erratically -If they start acting crazy, it's too late, governments always care about how the media perceives them.

Large bodies of water are diverted - If there were plans to create underground bunkers, large bodies of water would be diverted, like streams and ponds Not like the Great Lakes. These diversions could happen 'naturally' or on purpose. But just keep an eye out for any bodies of water being diverted for any reason or very low water levels.

Strange controversies within Government -If you want to leave your post and you don't give a reason it causes the media to investigate. If I was in government and I wanted to leave my post and have no one bother me I would say I cheated on my wife. Case closed, I step down dishonorably, you never bother me again. General Patraeus was a long standing military man, with a flawless career, loving husband for 20 some odd years, all of a sudden he wants to get his rocks off? Why? That whole situation never added up for me. He wanted out.

Construction workers taking busses to work - Building in remote locations not accessible by roads or not allowing general knowledge of the job site to common workers are one of my main tell tails. Also, when construction workers aren't sure or are only given part of a task to complete may mean that something secret is being built. Listen to your construction workers friends if they start saying things like "I've never seen this much steel, or a hole that deep." Also, listen to suppliers and what products they are having a hard time getting.

Language Tell tails
"I've Never" "This is the first time" "Scientists are baffled" "Scientists can't explain" - This is my number one tell tail and one that is starting to appear more frequently this year in all media. Listen to your friends, watch reality tv shows and the news. If you start hearing phrases like "I've never seen anything like that before" or something to that degree then something is happening. Here's where I have heard it:

Three gorges dam completion "I've never seen a damn this big"
At a friend's cottage "The water level has never been this low before."
Hurricane Sandy "I've never seen the New Jersey Shore like this."
Syria and the middle east "It's never been this dangerous over there"
Among a number of others...

Geographical changes
Strange phenomena - This one is obvious, meteor showers, earth quakes, sinkholes, auroras that are appearing more often and in strange places. Strange things happen all the time I would watch for more frequency and intensity -that cause someone to use a language tell tail.

Correlating biological behavioural patterns
Animals acting strangely -This is a big one, if a natural disaster or atmospheric phenomena is going to happen (not necessarily one that wipes out mankind) the animals and insects would know first. Watch for strange animal behaviour particularly with species with sensitive eco systems. Don't worry if you see a dear in the city, worry if you see 50 deer in the city.

Animals seemingly committing suicide or showing up in strange places. -Just like above but more acute. Animals won't commit suicide so when you see whales beaching themselves in huge numbers or birds no longer going south then there is an unbalance somewhere and if its on a biological large scale then something large scale has caused it.

I hope this helps if you have any questions or want to add to this blog post a comment with what you think is going to be a tell tail for the world to end.

Saturday 21 April 2012

Reality TV part 3

Today, almost every proffession is a reality show from parking meter maids, swamp gator farmers and even house wives whose sole purpose seems to be -just being alive. This is what prompted this series of blogs in the first place -I might as well just start following people and see what they do all day. It would probably be just as entertaining.

What concerns me are the dangerous, violent and confrontational shows like Ice Road Truckers or Axmen. These are shows that follow dangerous jobs, but are people tuning in for the triumph or the possibility of disaster? Is the threshold being pushed further and further towards the line that borders entertainment and sadism?

Most reality shows today involve a very high level of danger, none more so than Discovery Channel's Deadliest Catch. Crab fishing in the Bearing Sea is the most dangerous job according to the US senses bureau. So maybe it begs the debate; are the producers interested in the fishing or are they hoping to capture some dramatic "real" moments that could result in death? Why is it entertaining?

Our level of shock and awe is rising at an alarming rate where I don't even flinch if someone gets shot or punched in the head in a non-reality TV drama. It's consistently taking more and more daring things to entertain us. And, it's not just drama we want. We want the real thing, we want real blood and real pain. For me, personally, the line was drawn with the death of Sea Captain Phil Harris on The Deadliest Catch. In his last two seasons we saw him dealing with stroke like symptoms as his two feuding sons watched. It was his wish to keep filming, the producers honoured his decision and in the next season he passed away in front of 8.5 Million viewers.

Personally, I thought the decision to keep rolling was Harris' legacy. I would never have known a wonderful man like him if they hadn't. But it does beg the question as to what the line is? It was a man's death, albeit his wish, was a line crossed? Does it matter that it was the third highest rated broadcast ever in Discovery Channel history? All I know is that stuff that used to shock me doesn't anymore and I'm not quite sure if that's a good thing.

Reality TV part 2

Human's love conflict, well some of us do and according to Aristotle there are 16 basic motives. These motives are things like romance, social contact, and honour. We like to connect with those feelings because they make us feel different then our everyday lives, now depending on if you are strong or weak (we'll get to that shortly) will determine which motive you most connect with.

However, we also desires things like power, vengeance and status. The way Aristotle described these 16 motives is that you are either strong or weak in each. For example if you have like a clean house, you probably have a strong desire for order, and notice when a bag is left on the floor or there are a few crumbs on the table. Someone weak in the desire for order wouldn't care if the sink was full of dishes or if there were clothes lying everywhere. Another example is someone who desires social contact will seek out social situations where as someone with a weak desire for social contact won't care who is throwing a party on the weekend. If you put strong and weak profiles together, let's say, on an island in The Pacific, your bound to have sparks fly.

Survivor manipulated these motives the same way a hooker does, by playing into everyones strong and weak desires. Candy-Lynn, who works the North East corner of my block not only has great legs but also a keen interest in psychology. This gives her an edge over the other hookers. She's able to fulfill each guy's desire (while they fill her, ah thank you!) by exploiting their strong and weak motives. She knows what he wants and most of the time its not just the act of sex but the whole production of it. Hookers are the modern Shakespeare.

 Let's look back to the first season of Survivor (actually any season will do because the formula is the same, i.e. our desires for strong and weak motives doesn't really change - surprise.) Each season their's  the young beautiful people, the old wise ones, the trouble maker, ,the one everyone likes,  the swindler and the lazy person. You have all these archetypes for both strong and weak personalities confined to a beach and forced to interact. YA! There's going to be conflict alright. However, occasionally a bright spot is seen.

In Survivor All-stars Rob and Amber actually fell in love. Argue with it or not, I have this season on DVD and it's pretty genuine if you look closely. They eventually got married, which was the highlight for those of us who have a strong desire for romance. But, it also set the stage for sacrifice and back stabbing. In the end it was a beautiful romance and very positive now what about those who want to see the exact opposite, which unfortunately is more of us.

Go to Part 3

Tuesday 10 April 2012

The Stomach Ache

The Link on the pic is one of my first youtube videos ever posted. It's of my little buddy who was just born and the new toy I got him. No more than a few weeks old, Uncle Fred got him a stuffed toy from Giant Microbes. The cell you're looking at is Shigella a common pathogen associated with a stomach ache. It's plush and enlarged 1000000 times so that its cute and cuddly!

Shigella, the blue glowing hotdog shaped
cells that make your tummy hurt.

Reality TV Part 1

Mark Burnett Creator of Survivor and
Destroyer of hilarity.
Mark Burnett is the Robert Oppenheimer of Television. In 1992  he created the Eco-Challenge, which in my opinion, is the very first reality show. It featured teams of four (originally five) highly skilled adventurers who trek through thick jungles, canoe rapids and climb mountains in a non-stop race to the finish.  From there he went on to spawn Are you smarter than a 5th grader, The Apprentice and of course 24 seasons of Survivor. By the turn of the millennium  Burnett's reality TV mushroom cloud would kill most sitcoms the same way Oppenheimer's bomb did in Japan. And, like all nuclear bombs it's the fallout from the blast that does the most damage. In TV land that fallout shows up in the form of swamp people, parking meter maids and truck drivers in an all out "shock war" to keep us glued to the TV. But where will it end?

Rick Harris Pawnstar
Survivor really opened the door for both the commercialization of reality and filmed psychological experiments as entertainment (re: survivor, the apprentice, big brother). The commercialization is a no-brainer, you get the same amount or more viewers  to sell to advertisers without the hassle of dealing with a TV star's temperament and salary demands. The later however is Pandoras box. You never know what you might get with reality, which is part of the excitement but also taps into the darker side of humanity. It's the shock value that now sells most reality TV. I've narrowed it down to two categories: Triumph and Carnage. Who knows what will happen when you put a group of people that tend to clash together in a house for 6 weeks. No one does but it's probable that some will triumph and others will not, but one thing is for sure, it's a lot more entertaining then a group of friends -or so says a study conducted at Ohio State in 2004.

Go To Part 2